A History of Great Beuty Erciyes.


Erciyes Mountain which is located in Middle Anatolia , is inactive Volcano . This volcano takes places 25 km away from Kayseri city . It’s predicted that Last time it was active is around B.C 250’s . We predicting that Thanks to the drawings on Roman period coins. Top of the mountain is 3917 meter away from sea level. So that makes Erciyes The tallest mountain in Middle Anatolia. The mountain takes his Turkish name from an old greek name ‘’ Argaeus ‘’ day by day it changed to Erciyes.


On Erciyes There is one of the biggest Skiing center in Turkiye. Mostly people visiting this place at Winter times even it has snow every day of a year. It’s becouse it has best conditions to ski at winters. You will be experienced a warm hospitality at there .


Surely having a good conditions to Ski sports, being tallest mountain at Central Anatolia is not only Specialities it has.


Erciyes Mountain is also so important becouse of it is One of the Resources of Cappadocia Fairy Chimneys . Lets talk about how it become Resource of them. This mountain is Nearly 20 Million years old. But 15 Million years ago a big lava volcano eruption. It was that big Eruption that pieces scattered around. It still possible to find the remains hundred kilometers away from that mountain. After that Eruption With a right weather conditions and wind and rain Fairy Chimneys took it’s shape at today. Hasan Mountain Which is located at Aksaray city was also active in those times and with a combination of Erciyes and Hasan mountain’s lavas Fairy chimneys Occured.


Apart from being an important ski resort , Erciyes is so Important of being source One the most important natural beauty and a place visited by people from all over the world. We Are Thankful its sleeping now.



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