Beauty at Middle of the Sea Maiden Tower.


Maiden's Tower is one of the places we should visit most when we come to Istanbul.As history of Maiden’s Tower, We don’t have actually corrected informations about who builded it first. Tower’s first name was coming from Word Arckle which means small castle. After the conquest of Istanbul this Arckle destroyed and Wooden one rebuilt on the Island . But this Wooden one is also destroyed by Fire Incident happened in 1719. Maiden Tower’s Stone model designed by Famous Ottoman Architect Damat Ibrahim Pasha , and calligraphies on tower draw by Mr. Rakım . The tower was used as a quarantine center during the cholera epidemic in 1830. A torch-shaped lighthouse was installed on the tower to serve as a lighthouse. In 1920, this lighthouse was replaced with an automatic light system.After that The Tower Used As Radio tower. Nowadays it Works as Cafe,Restaurant


There is even a legend about Tower According to the story of the Maiden's Tower, she was the daughter of one of the Byzantine kings and a prophecy was made about the girl. The princess will bitten by a snake and died at the age of 18. Hearing this, the king restored the tower on the island in the middle of the sea and turned it into an area where the princess could live. When the princess turned 18, the snake hiding in a basket of grapes brought by the servants or a basket of flowers brought by a young guy who was in love with the princess, reached the island and killed the princess by biting her.


Love of Towers According to one of the stories, the legend of the Maiden's Tower tells about his love with the Galata Tower. The Bosphorus between the two towers in love prevents them from meeting. Even though Galata Tower writes letters and expresses his love for years, he cannot end his longing for the Maiden's Tower. Rumor has it that when Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi came here with the dream of flying, Galata Tower gave him these letters and asked him to deliver them to the Maiden's Tower. Flying enthusiast Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi flies with the wind of Istanbul and brings his love of Galata Tower to the Maiden's Tower. Now the Maiden's Tower knows that their love is not unrequited, this mutual love will keep them alive for centuries.

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